Our Services

Cerdia Quality Standards

We have established a reputation for quality, offering clearly outstanding products and services to our customers.

In line with our long tradition of pursuing excellence through quality enhancement, Cerdia has been continuously improving technology, applications and solutions holding an ISO-9001 certification at all production sites which is the basis of our Quality Management System.

At Cerdia, not only quality standards are applied in the same way to all our production sites, but also standardized measurement methods for the critical parameters which are part of our quality specifications. 

Our IT application ”Cable is widely used in the industry for design and manufacturing of filter rods, for already more than 30 years.

The online version of “Cable” is available to our customers since 2024.

This technology brings several advantages and new functions. It facilitates the efficient implementation of new functions, filter variants and other filter rod machines.

Technical Customer Support

Our technical customer support team is always there for our customers and provides support in the following areas:

  • Development of customised and customer-specific solutions

  • Global service and on-site support at the customer's premises

  • Design, layout and engineering of the final consumer goods

  • Conducting seminars including practical training in our Filter Centre

  • Sustainable, resource-saving processes and optimised use of materials

  • Competent and prompt response to specific customer questions

Customer Service

Beside our Technical Support team, our customers can also count on our Customer Service Team focused on maximizing customer experience. Our team is dedicated to deliver exceptional service to our customers.

Our customer service team is ready to assist customers with:

  • Answering customers questions anytime

  • Handling transactions and orders 

  • Handling customer complaints 

  • Gathering customer’s feedback