Renewable energy in Freiburg - Germany


Cerdia and GETEC have broken ground for a biomass heating plant at Cerdia's production site in Freiburg. GETEC will build a state-of-the-art plant on the Cerdia site that will not only generate sustainable heat and energy, but also make a major contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

The biomass heating plant to be built by GETEC will represent a significant step forward towards sustainability for Cerdia and the city of Freiburg. The plant will save an impressive 26,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year, which is roughly equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of around 5,500 cars or the amount of CO2 absorbed by 1.3 million trees.

Only biofuels will be used as fuel for the biomass plant, which will be ensured by an adequate quality process. The biofuel consists of wood waste from untreated woods of the waste wood categories A I and A II, thus reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and effectively using renewable resources. The use of natural wood from agriculture and forestry would also be possible.

The biomass plant is expected to be commissioned in by the end of 2024.


Local charity support - Kingsport / Primester, US


Better World Operation (Operação Mundo Melhor) - Brazil